Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Epic Score: The Longest Journey

Copyright © BrunuhVille

Ear-phones recommended for full sound experience.

Music Parts

00:00 - The Docks
00:50 - The Nameless Sea
01:15 - Forest Winds
02:44 - Breaking Storm
04:30 - Pirates!
04:56 - Heroes Fight
05:31 - Second Wave
05:56 - The Longest Journey

Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

La inteligencia del Corazón VI, de R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz



HAY varias formas de definir la Vida, pero la única perfecta sería que
la Vida es la Presencia Divina.

Llamamos cuerpo muerto a un mineral, a una planta muerta, a un animal
sin movimiento, sin respiración, inerte, incapaz de asimilar un alimento, de
sentir una fuerza exterior, de expresar una sensación o un pensamiento, o sea, a
la detención de la relación consciente del ser con el ambiente. Pero también la
anestesia y la catalepsia, así como el profundo sueño natural, tienen que ver
parcialmente con esta descripción.

Por lo tanto, un cuerpo sólo muere cuando se descompone en sus elementos

De esta forma, después de la eliminación de la consciencia cerebral
queda todavía tina subconsciencia vital posible en la muerte aparente, como
queda una vida innata de la materia después de la supresión de la
subconsciencia, 0 sea, una continuación del «morir» en la descomposición

De hecho, es imposible matar a un ser nacido en la Naturaleza, ya sea
mineral u hombre.

De la sal fija indestructible de los huesos a la Consciencia compleja
hay inmanencia de Vida.

Lavoisier tenía razón, pero no como creía, ya que si nada se pierde, lo
que no se pierde es siempre la misma y única cosa y todo, finalmente, se reduce
a esta misma y única cosa.

Hay que hablar de la muerte para intentar comprender la Vida.
La muerte definitiva no existe, sólo hay cambios de estado no permanentes. La
permanencia se da en la Causa original y lo transitorio se da en las fases de la
toma de consciencia de uno mismo. El impulso hacia esta Génesis universal es la
Vida de la apariencia.

Si la muerte definitiva no existe (lo cual sólo se refiere al ser
natural y no al hombre animado) esto significa que todo es vida, y esta vida
puede asumir una forma corporal o puede ser metafísica o forma sin cuerpo, es
decir, la Idea de la forma que se corporaliza, del mismo modo que las líneas de
fuerza energéticas de una «estructura base» son necesarias para el cristal o
reunión de moléculas dispersas. Pero existe también el óvulo de donde se genera
el feto; ya no se trata entonces de una reunión de moléculas dispersas en una
solución: se trata de la formación corporal de elementos energéticos
seleccionados por la Idea en el medio alimenticio. LA SIMIENTE 0 IMPULSO PATERNO

El Espíritu, la Causa divina está mucho más cerca de nosotros de lo que
puede imaginar nuestro pobre cerebro.

Un grano cualquiera, ¿no es la Idea metafísica de la forma corporal que
va a generar? Un catalizador, ¿no es la Idea energética de la composición que
provoca. Si la enseñanza esotérica de la Ciencia Sagrada no sirve para probar
que el Espíritu es un hecho ni para demostrar el proceso de la consciencia y las
fases sucesivas del «morir» del cuerpo y de la forma transitoria, entonces toda
esta enseñanza no es más que una especulación filosófica gratuita y sin valor.

Decimos «Dios», y no sabemos lo que es.

Decimos «Espíritu» y no comprendemos esta abstracción,

Decimos «Energía» y lo ignoramos todo acerca de su naturaleza.

Vemos los efectos y les atribuimos una causa de que unas veces es Dios,
otras veces el Espíritu-Verbo y otras la Energía, palabras que reemplazan la
ignorancia, pero plantean hipótesis que no podemos dejar de formularnos.

La especulación por sí sola no puede resolver estos problemas. Lo único
que hace es reunir elementos concretos, materiales, conocidos sensorialmente; y
la metafísica no tiene sentido para el razonamiento «cerebral».

Por otra parte, siéndonos impuesta la hipótesis de la abstracción como
premisa, nos es preciso buscar la solución con los medios de los que disponemos.
Estos medios se reducen a la enseñanza de la Naturaleza y a nuestra comunión
natural con ella, al ser nosotros su producto final. después es necesaria la
traducción o reducción a lo concreto, accesible a través de nuestros sentidos Y
razonable a través de la función cerebral, cuando queremos expresar nuestro
conocimiento. Ahora bien, la experiencia «simpática» es siempre discutible,
incierta, mientras no esté «objetivada».

Para estar tan seguros de nuestro Conocimiento como lo estamos de
nuestro Saber tenemos que buscar la prueba experimental que demuestre que el
Espíritu, lo abstracto, se hace concreto por medio de un camino determinado.

La Ciencia Sagrada afirma que esto es posible y nos lo muestra a través
de su «Esoterismo», el cual sólo está «herméticamente» cerrado para la
inteligencia cerebral, y así continuará si no cultivamos otro aspecto de la
Inteligencia y otra mentalidad diferente a aquella que está en el fondo del
desván de nuestras escuelas.

Es por eso por lo que los Sabios dejan especular a los ociosos y
contemplan la Naturaleza. Esta es la principal enseñanza. Un sonido evoca todos
sus armónicos, una bellota de roble evoca el roble: es todo un complejo armónico
que, en el reino vegetal, es el roble. Pero los armónicos musicales son
vibraciones corporales, de naturaleza acuática. La simiente (el sonido o la
bellota, el grano o el espermatozoide) es de una naturaleza específica y esta
especificación es la génesis de las simientes del Mineral hasta el hombre, la
reducción espacial de la sustancia sin forma.

No hay «primer grano» y el huevo ha sido anterior a la gallina. La
sustancia de este huevo siempre ha existido como sustancia sin forma, Virgen
Cósmica. El esperma del gallo, por el contrario, ha llegado a ser, ha sido
generado desde la nebulosa cósmica hasta él.

El principio crístico, por el contrario, será fecundación directa, sin
semilla especificada, como un salto entre el origen abstracto y el producto
final humano: Dios-Hombre.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Nickelback: When we stand together

This is the favourite song of my Bro Immi...
Great Song!
"Don't let go for true friendship.
The friendship is invaluable confidant and always there,
protecting you and your shadow."
Raziel's Quote.

One more depending on a prayer
And we all look away
People pretending everywhere
It's just another day

There's bullets flying through the air
And they still carry on
We watch it happen over there
And then just turn it off

[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
We must stand together
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
There's no giving in
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
Hand in hand forever
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
That's when we all win
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
That's, that's, that's when we all win
That's, that's, that's when we all win

They tell us everything's alright
And we just go along
How can we fall asleep at night
When something's clearly wrong

When we could feed a starving world
With what we throw away
But all we serve are empty words
That always taste the same

[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
We must stand together
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
There's no giving in
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
Hand in hand forever
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
That's when we all win
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
That's, that's, that's when we all win
That's, that's, that's when we all win

The right thing to guide us
Is right here inside us
No one can divide us
When the Light is nearly on
But just like a heartbeat
The drumbeat carries on…

And the drumbeat carries on…

[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
We must stand together
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
There's no giving in
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
Hand in hand forever
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
That's when we all win
[Hey, yeah, yeah, hey, yeah…]
That's, that's, that's when we all win
That's, that's, that's when we all win

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tribute to Stigmata

Stigmata is a controversial film directed by Rupert Wainwright that premiered on September 10, 1999. It follows the conflict between Frankie, an atheist Pittsburgh hairdresser played by Patricia Arquette who exhibits true stigmata and Father Andrew Kiernan (played by Gabriel Byrne), a former scientist and ordained Jesuit priest who, as part of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, investigates miracles for the Vatican. Kiernan soon discovers that the stigmata stems from the spirit of Father Paul Alemieda; a deeply religious priest who was ex-communicated from the Catholic Church for his discovery of a lost Gospel undermining the very foundations of Catholicism. The movie is loosely based on the discovery of the Gospel of Thomas; a document which the Vatican and most other Christians have declared as being the product of a heretical Gnostic group.

This video contains grisly scenes not suitable for people very sensitive.

Gothic Sad Piano

One Final Graven kiss by Cradle of filth

Los Sonidos Místicos y sus vibraciones.

Una de las cosas que siempre me han llamado la atención han sido los sonidos místicos. Este hecho ha sido motivo de varios momentos de lectura y reflexión.

El sonido se transmite por medio de ondas en un medio que habitualmente suele ser el aire, aunque se puede transmitir también por otros medios como por ejemplo el agua u otros gases. Cuando algo se mueve crea una depresión es decir un desplazamiento de aire, esta depresión se va trasladando desde el foco emisor en todas direcciones atenuándose a medida que se aleja del foco. Un símil fácil de interpretar puede ser lo que pasa cuando se tira una piedra en medio de un estanque completamente en calma, la piedra hace mover el agua en forma de ondas que se van expandiendo a lo largo de todo el estanque.

Es nuestro oído el organo que capta esas depresiones, interpretándolo como un sonido en nuestro cerebro, pero sólo podemos percibir de esta manera las ondas que nos lleguen de objetos que se muevan repetidamente entre un rango determinado de velocidades, o dicho de otra manera que vibren entre un determinado rango de frecuencias. En el caso del oído humano este rango se encuentra entre los 16 ciclos por segundo y los 16000 ciclos por segundo ó, como se conoce en el mundo de la física, herzios; un piano por ejemplo, emite entre 24 y 4000 herzios, cuanto más baja sea la frecuencia de vibración del sonido, más grave será el sonido que oiremos, mientras que cuando sea más alta más agudo será.
Así pues, para que se establezca un sonido tiene que haber un foco vibrante, un medio por el que se transmita esa vibración y un receptor capaz de recibirla, y si como sabemos la vibración es energía, lo que estamos haciendo es transmitir y recibir energía a través de lo que se conoce como espacio tridimensional, produciéndose al transmitirla cambios tanto en el receptor como en el emisor, ya que la energía ni se destruye ni se crea, sino que se transforma.

En base a lo anteriormente expuesto, no es de extrañar que si alguien emite un sonido en unas condiciones determinadas, la materia pueda ser modificada, este concepto, aunque conocido por los antiguos desde hace mucho, podemos recordar por ejemplo la caida de los muros de Jericó por el tañir de las trompetas, empieza a ser estudidado de nuevo creándose nuevos e interesantes campos en la acústica y en el estudio de vibraciones, como por ejemplo el uso de ultrasonidos, sonidos con una frecuencia superior a la que puede captar el oído humano, para destruir las piedras del riñón, por ejemplo.

En el universo todo está en movimiento, incluso algo tan inmóvil como pueda parecer una barra de hierro se encuentra en contínuo movimiento a nivel molecular, y es que la vibración de los objetos en el universo depende de la forma, la masa, las fuerzas a las que estén sometidos y el material o materiales de que estén compuestos. Una cuerda tensada a una fuerza con una masa y de una longitud determinada cuando se le aplique energía vibrará a una frecuencia determinada y fija, y esta solamente variará a más aguda o más grave a medida que se vayan cambiando cualquiera de los parámetros antes mencionados. Por lo tanto no es de locos pensar que cualquier parte del cuerpo humano ya sean huesos, estomago, etc., posea su propia vibración fundamental que aparece como resultado de la conjunción de todos los elementos que componen ese cuerpo.

Una vez aclarado que todo cuerpo tiene una frecuencia fundamental, y que el sonido es una forma de energía en la que un emisor la envía a un receptor, me gustaría llamar la atención sobre un fenómeno vibracional conocido en la física como la resonancia, según este efecto cuando se le aplica una pequeña cantidad de energía a una frecuencia adecuada a un cuerpo todas las moleculas de éste empezarán a vibrar de una manera acelerada y cada vez más rápido, llegando en algunos casos a romper el cuerpo vibrante en caso de que ésta no sea lo suficientemente elástico como para aguantar ese estado de excitación. Como ejemplos de este fenómeno se puede mencionar el hecho de que algunos cantantes de opera hayan conseguido romper copas cantando algunas notas altas, o el que los soldados al pasar por un puente rompan filas para que la vibración que causan con su paso uniforme evite por alguna casualidad que haga entrar al puente en resonancia.

Una vez explicado esto, la pregunta a hacerse es: ¿en qué se diferencia un sonido místico de uno normal?.

Una de las características principales que he observado en los sonidos místicos es que son emitidos por la voz, quizá algún instrumento puede ser utilizado como accesorio o ayuda, pero siempre bajo la acción del hombre, desde los inicios de la tierra y en la mayoría de las civilizaciones la voz como generadora de vida y materia ha tenido un papel importante, en el antiguo testamento la creación del mundo viene escrita como "y Dios dijo: que se haga la luz", para los cristianos en el evangelio de San Juan se dice "al principio era el Verbo", en los Vedas se puede leer: "al principio estaba Brahman, con el cual estaba la Palabra", Los indios Hopis creían que la Mujer Araña cantó sobre las formas inanimadas y les dió la vida. Pasa lo mismo con los mayas en el Popul Vuh y en muchas otras tradiciones. Los sonidos son sagrados y toda la humanidad entiende esto.

Así pues nos puede ser lícito pensar que este tipo de sonidos, no se limiten al rango de frecuencias audibles y es por ello necesario la participación activa del individuo para que el sonido se de en un rango de frecuencias mucho mayor emitidas por algún otro elemento de nuestro ser, hay que tener en cuenta que antes de que el sonido salga por los labios, este se ha de elaborar y con el mero hecho de pensar estamos emitiendo nuevas vibraciones.

Incluso podemos ir más lejos y pensar que el sonido místico se de en todos los planos de vibracionales y su manifestación en el plano material correspondiera a ese sonido. Es a modo de símil como si estuvieramos viendo la parte visible de un iceberg del cual sabemos que solo corresponde a una pequeña porción de éste en conjunto ya que la mayor parte se haya sumergida y fuera del alcance de nuestra vista. Así pues la importancia del sonido no es únicamente la frecuencia a la que emitamos este, sino la actitud mental que tengamos cuando lo estemos produciendo ya que está hará posible la manifestación del sonido en el resto de los planos de frecuencias superiores.

Tras todas las ideas anteriormente expuestas y haciendo uso de la analogía, me gustaría juntar las piezas del puzzle y tratar de hacer una hipótesis que sirva de base para comprender un poco como funciona este proceso:
Cuando un individuo emite un sonido místico, está emitiendo energía a ciertas frecuencias puntuales pertenecientes a los distintos planos de manifestación que van a provocar el efecto de resonancia en ciertas partes de estos planos. La manifestación en el plano material de estas energías consigue normalmente la estimulación de ciertas partes del cuerpo humano cada una de las cuales tiene una vibración característica, y es por ello que dependiendo del tipo de frecuencia emitida actue sobre una u otra de estas partes consiguiendo de esta manera provocar por medio de la transmisión de la energía el efecto deseado por el individuo. Así pues resumiendo, podemos decir que el sonido místico consta de vibración dentro del plano material, que es el sonido físico, más lo que podemos llamar la actitud mental, que podría abarcar la vibración en el resto de los planos de manifestación.

Vibraciones mántricas:
Gongs, Frecuencias y Cantos Gregorianos

El objetivo es trasladar la vibración del Gong a nuestra mente (Glandula Pineal), lo mismo pasa con los Mantras.
Distintos sonidos y vibraciones en los siguientes videos:

©Copyright MysticoMusic and Aguarecords 2007-2009
MYSTICO es un nuevo concepto sonoro basado en 4 elementos musicales: Cantos Gregorianos, Piano, Opera y ritmos electrónicos. Objetivo: Activar la conciencia a través de la Glándula Pineal

El uso de frecuencias en un ambiente tranquilo como pueden ser sesiones de meditación, el biofeedback, las técnicas de pranotherapy EFT y otras de introspección. Estas frecuencias, que tienen un poder extraordinario y beneficioso para la fisiología humana, se conocen como VITAL.

Para conocer la mecánica de la onda es saber el secreto de la naturaleza entera, una cita de Walter Russell que refleja una verdad absoluta.

Cuenco Tibetano y distorsiones de agua temporales, perfectamente simétrica.

La Tierra tiene PULSE, un latido del corazón si se quiere. Un nivel de vibración que históricamente ha sido de resonancia a 7.8Hz. Un dato importante es que recientemente se ha detectado un cambio en la resonancia: se ha elevado a 12 Hz. ¿Por qué? Pregunta para reflexión.

Gamma Wave 40Hz Frequency.
Rango de frecuencia 40 Hz Audio isochronic de onda sinusoidal pura de tono. Tiene el efecto de la sincronización de disparo de células en poblaciones de células en el cerebro humano.El arrastre neural es más efectivo sin el acompañamiento de sonidos que interrumpen la consistencia de la frecuencia. Se cree que para mejorar la concentración de frecuencias. 40 Hz potenciales auditivos evocados en el cerebro produce la actividad relacionada con la organización de la corteza auditiva, que se cree que es una frecuencia de resonancia que parece efecto de la corteza visual.

Palabras de Poder y sonidos sagrados .

La naturaleza exacta de los mantras es una tema tan difícil de elucidar que he considerado mejor empezar a revisar el concepto en un contexto global, pues existen en el mundo unas cuantas comunicades en las que no ha llegado a arraigar nunca la creencia generalizada en los poderes de la creación y transformación del sonido.
La dotrina hingú relativa a la poderosa fuerza del "Shabda" (sonido sagrado), que algunas sectas enseñan incluso hoy día, posee un antiguo paralelismo con conceptos tales como el Logos, la Armonía de las Esferas y otros.

En los escritos de la Antigüedad existen numerosos párrafos curiosos que atribuyen un enorme o incluso supremo poder creador a la energía divina del sonido. En textos posteriores, esos párrafos se hacen más escasos; salvo entre determinadas sectas tántricas hindúes, retrocede la creencia de que fue una suprema energía sonora la que creó el universo; pero los restos de esa creencia o de otras análogas perviven en la atribución de un poder creador, transformador o destructor a fórmulas esótericas que van desde los mantras hasta los encantamientos mágicos.

La Liturgia Mitraica contenía fórmulas mágicas consideradas como "sonidos raíz" y que daban lugar a determinados poderes divinos. El término "sonidos raíz" tiene relación con los mantras-bijas hindúes y budistas, pues "bija" significa precisamente "semilla" o "raíz".

No es infrecuente encontrar personas que afirman que las palabras "amén" y "aleluya" poseen (o poseyeron en otros tiempos) un sentido mántrico. En la liturgia de la Iglesia ortodoxa griega, los términos cristianos mencionados aparecen bajo la forma de "arameen" o "ahmeen" y su uso es muy parecido al de los mantras. El caso de "aleluya" es bastante similar; como aparentemente no significa nada más que "Alabado sea Dios", el hecho de que siga conservándose en su forma original parece indicar que su eficacia va unida a su sonido y vibración.

En los últimos años, el interés por el uso hindú y budista de los mantras ha aumentado lo suficiente como para que el término sánscrito "mantra" pase a otros idiomas, aunque muchas veces la utilización que se ha hecho de él no ha sido del todo correcta. En términos correctos, y en contraposición a otras invocaciones sagradas, los mantras son series de silabas sagradas, cuya longitud varía entre una y varios miles de sílabas, y cuya eficacia no depende en absoluto de su significado verbal, aunque queda extraer de ellas algún tipo de significado, OM MANI PADME HUM constituye un buen ejemplo de mantra en el que todas las sílabas, salvo la primera y la última, poseen un significado verbal, que no da, sin embargo, más que una vaga idea acerca de su verdadera importancia.

El empleo de mantras o de otras fórmulas verbales a las que se considera dotadas de algún tipo de poder es característico de las prácticas religiosas inspiradas por doctrinas esencialmente místicas.
En mi opinión, puedo dar por sentado que existe una correspondencia entre el "shabda" y el sonido normal y corriente, por grande que sea la distancia que separe el uno del otro. Se trata probablemente de una correspondencia similar a la existencia entre el "pranavayu" y el aire que respiramos. Aunque el prana (la energía cósmica) penetra en el cuerpo a través de los poros y orificios nasales, el aire en sí no es nada más que el envoltorio y la contrapartida del prana. Mientras que, tanto sonido como el movimiento del aire tienen que ver con la física. Son sutil vibración y si el aire es el vehículo del prana, el sonido lo es del shabda.
La cualidad shábdica del mantra, así como el sonido, no es más que un símbolo de poder latente del mantra y aunque el mantra puede estar formado por sílabas carentes de significado conceptual, el pronunciarlas permite, sin embargo, al individuo conjurar instantáneamente en su mente las cualidades que ha aprendido a asociar con ellas.

Por tanto, resulta plausible pensar que la cualidad o poder shábdico reside no en el sonido real producido sino en el "sonido arquetípico que representa", pues en ese caso queda plenamente explicada la identidad efectiva de variantes mántricas tales como OM, UM, UNG, etc., y no únicamente en términos de fe ciega.

Concepto metafísco de Shabda.

Se dice que los maestros hindúes de yoga mántrico le atribuyen una enorme importancia a asegurarse la corrección del sonido y la vibración; la forma de pronunciar un mantra se mantiene secreto para los no iniciados, a los que se impide de ese modo utilizar su poder. Se enseña que el universo es "el juego del espíritu en el éter de la consciencia", y que el espíritu que emana de Dios se convierte en Sonido Sagrado, así como que la miríada de objetos que forman el universo no son sino creaciones del sonido o, mejor dicho, del shabda. Cabe además invocar el aspecto femenino (activo) de Dios a través del habla, mientras que el aspecto masculino (pasivo) solo es abordable por medio del silencio. La energía creativa de Dios da lugar al cuerpo sutil del sonido (shabda), que se convierte a su vez en onda que se puede oír. En cierto sentido, todo el universo procede de OM, de la totalidad de todos los sonidos.

Existen cuatro planos de shabda: el que no es ni sonido ni silencio, sino que trasciende a ambos; el que no se puede oír y ni tan siquiera imaginar, sino solo experimentar directamente en un estado yóguico de consciencia; el que puede imaginarse pero no oírse, manifestándose únicamente en los sueños y las visiones; y el que es habla o simple sonido. Por medio del mantra OM se puede pasar desde el cuarto plano hasta el primero. Todo ruido es por su naturaleza una trinidad de sonido, forma y percepción. Cada sílaba mántrica se corresponde plenamente con la idea que representa; de ahí que, mediante la enunciación correcta de la sílaba adecuada sin reflexión, pueda llegar uno a comprender la idea de planos ascendentes que llegan hasta el mismo Dios.

Autor: Raziel von Edler

Bibliografía consultada:
-Vibrations, Applied Physics (Investigación universitaria de mi autoría)
-Physical principles of sound (Trabajo universitario de mi autoría)
-Tantra, Philip Rawson
-Mantras, sacred words, J, Blofeld
-Lu K'uan-yü (consulta de textos chinos milenarios)
-Biblioteca Rosacruz

Artículo publicado-reseñado en la portada "El Diario de Gisella", jueves, nov, 24, 2011.
Mi más profundo agradecimiento a Gisella. Gracias.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cult Movie: Eyes Wide Shut, The Black & Red Ritual

This movie is to see with the eyes and mind open, without dogmas.

Eyes Wide Shut is the thirteenth film directed by Stanley Kubrick, starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman and premiered in 1999. It was Kubrick's last film, as well as his posthumous work, since the director died a few days before he can finish the final assembly. It is based on the novel by Arthur Schnitzler's dream Story and screenplay was written by Kubrick and Frederic Raphael himself. In Latin America its original title in English has been transformed into Eyes Wide Shut.
Eyes Wide Shut is a complicated, enigmatic film that requires considerable thought and viewed several times. Given that the facts blur the line between reality and dreams, the film is mysterious and inconclusive, leaving the door open to a multitude of readings.
With This film, Kubicka have touched endless secrets.

 "Masked Ball"
Jocelyn Pook
Enigmatic soundtrack of Eyes Wide Shut
Translation from backwards Romanian to English:

And God told to his apprentices...
I gave you a command...
to pray to the Lord for the mercy
 life, peace, health, salvation, the search, 
the leave and the forgiveness 
of the sins of God's children. 
The ones that pray, 
they have mercy and 
they take good care of this holy place.

My Gratitude to Soufmoufent:
My article published in the cover story of The Daily soufmoufent
Date: Nov. 21, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sirenia: Save Me from Myself

"Save Me from Myself"
An Elixir for Existence


Save me now
before my world falls
Save me now
from myself
before the dawn

Save me now
I'm at the reaper's door
Can't you see
you hold the key
to set my mind free...


Sálvame de mi misma:
Sálvame ahora
Antes de que mi mundo se derrumbe
Sálvame ahora
De mi misma
Antes que llegue el atardecer

Sálvame ahora
Estoy en la puerta del que cosecha
No puedes ver
Que sostienes la llave
Para liberar mi mente…

Gothic Music: Ad Mortem

"Ad Morten"
Adrian von Ziegler

Deus ex Machina: falta de coherencia interna en los argumentos.

Deus ex Machina

Actualmente la expresión latina "Deus ex Machina" es utilizada para referirse a un elemento externo que resuelve una historia sin seguir su lógica interna. Desde el punto de vista de la estructura de un guión, “Deus ex Machina” hace referencia a cualquier evento cuya causa viene impuesta por necesidades del propio guión, a fin de que mantenga lo que se espera de él desde un punto de vista del interés, de la comercialidad, de la estética o de cualquier otro factor, incurriendo en una falta de coherencia interna.

No es necesario investigar demasiado en los guiones para encontrar ejemplos de “Deus ex Machina”. Bien sea la llegada del héroe en el último momento, la inesperada carga de caballería, el oportuno eclipse o la sorprendente necedad del villano perdiendo el tiempo al contarle los planes a los protagonistas, es muy difícil evitar la aparición de estos elementos. El motivo en general es simple: en muchos guiones, la trama es el hilo primario de creación al que se tienen que adaptar todos los demás elementos.

Pienso que como escritor a veces ha de ser muy difìcil resolver una trama y lograr que sea creíble, por lo que a veces se vale usar estos recursos, claro que con medida.
Es un recurso bastante utilizado en el cine y la televisión, también en guíones de teatro.

The Lost Continent


The Capital of Atlantis as Described by Plato

The story of the lost continent of Atlantis starts in 355 B.C. with the Greek philosopher Plato. Plato had planned to write a trilogy of books discussing the nature of man, the creation of the world, and the story of Atlantis, as well as other subjects. Only the first book was ever completed. The second book was abandoned part way through, and the final book was never even started.
Plato used a series of dialogues to express his ideas. In this type of writing, the author's thoughts are explored in a series of arguments and debates between various characters in the story. Plato often used real people in his dialogues, such as his teacher, Socrates, but the words he gave them were his own. A character named Kritias tells an account of Atlantis that has been in his family for generations. According the character the story was originally told to his ancestor Solon, by a priest during Solon's visit to Egypt.

According to the dialogues, there had been a powerful empire located to the west of the "Pillars of Hercules" (what we now call the Straight of Gibraltar) on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The nation there had been established by Poseidon, the God of the Sea. Poseidon fathered five sets of twins on the island. The firstborn, Atlas, had the continent and the surrounding ocean named for him. Poseidon divided the land into ten sections, each to be ruled by a son, or his heirs.

The capital city of Atlantis named Poseidonia was a marvel of architecture and engineering. The city was composed of a series of concentric walls and canals. At the very center was a hill, and on top of the hill a temple to Poseidon. Inside was a gold statue of the God of the Sea showing him driving six winged horses. About 9000 years before the time of Plato, after the people of Atlantis became corrupt and greedy, the Gods decided to destroy them. A violent earthquake shook the land, giant waves rolled over the shores, and the island sank into the sea never to be seen again.

So is the story of Atlantis just a fable used by Plato to make a point? Or is there some reason to think he was referring to a real place? Well, at numerous points in the dialogues Plato's characters refer to the story of Atlantis as "genuine history" and it being within "the realm of fact." Plato also seems to put into the story a lot of detail about Atlantis that would be unnecessary if he had intended to use it only as a literary device.

If we make the assumption that Atlantis was a real place it seems logical we should find it west of the Straight of Gibraltar near the Azores Islands (some have suggested that the Azores are what are left of Atlantis's highest mountain peaks). A scientific survey of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, though, shows it is covered with a blanket of sediment that must have taken millions of years to accumulate. There is no sign of a sunken island continent.

Are there any other candidates for the location of Atlantis? People have made cases for places as diverse as Switzerland and New Zealand. One of the most convincing arguments, though, came from K.T. Frost, a professor of history at the Queen's University in Belfast. Later, Spyridon Marinatos, an archaeologist and A.G. Galanopoulos, a seismologist, added evidence to Frost's ideas.

Frost suggested that instead of being west of the Pillars of Hercules Atlantis was east. He also thought that the catastrophic end of the island had come not 9000 years before Plato's time, but only 900. If this was true the land of Atlantis might already be a well-known place even in Plato's time: The Island of Crete.

Crete is now a part of modern Greece and lies just south of the Athens across part of the Mediterranean Sea. Before 1500 B.C. it was the seat of the Minoan Empire. The Minoans dominated the eastern Mediterranean with a powerful navy and probably extracted tribute from other surrounding nations. Archaeological excavations have shown the Minoan Crete was probably one of the most sophisticated cultures of its time. It had splendid architecture, and art. A code of laws gave women equal legal status as men. Agriculture was highly developed and an extensive irrigation system was existed.

Then, seemingly in a blink of an eye, the Minoan Civilization disappeared. Geological studies have shown that on an island we now know as Santorinas, located just ten miles to the north of Crete, a disaster occurred that was very capable of toppling the Minoan state. Santorini today is a lush Mediterranean paradise consisting of several islands in a ring shape. Twenty-five hundred years ago, though, it was a single large island with a volcano in the center. The volcano blew itself apart in a massive explosion around 1500 B.C.

To understand the effect of such an explosion, scientists have compared it with the most powerful volcanic explosion in historic times. This occurred on the Island of Krakatoa in 1883. There a giant wave, or tsunami, 120 feet high raced across the sea and hit neighboring islands killing 36,000 people. Ash thrown up into the air blackened the skies for three days. The sound of the explosion was heard as far away as 3,000 miles. The explosion at Santorini was four times as powerful as Krakatoa.

The tsunami that hit Crete must have traveled inland for over half a mile destroying any coastal towns or cities. The great Minoan fleet of ships were all sunk in a few seconds. Overnight the powerful Minoan Empire was crushed and Crete changed to a political backwater. One can hardly imagine a catastrophe more like Plato's description of Atlantis' fate than the destruction of Crete.

Many of the details of the Atlantis story fit with what is now known about Crete. Women had a relatively high political status, both cultures were peaceful, and both enjoyed the unusual sport of ritualistic bullfighting (where an unarmed man wrestled and jumped over an uninjured bull).

If the fall of the Minoans is the story of Atlantis, how did Plato get the location and time wrong? Galanopoulos suggested there was a mistake during translation of some of the figures from Egyptian to Greek and an extra zero added. This would mean 900 years ago became 9000, and the distance from Egypt to "Atlantis" went from 250 miles to 2,500. If this is true, Plato, knowing the layout of the Mediterranean Sea, would have been forced to assume the location of island continent was squarely in the Atlantic Ocean.

Not everyone accepts the Minoan Crete theory of the story of Atlantis, but until a convincing case can be made for some other place, it remains science's best guess.

The Legend of Atlantis

The legend of Atlantis has to be one of the oldest and most spellbinding of all the world's mysteries. It has puzzled both skeptics and believers alike. Where exactly was Atlantis and where is it now? What caused its destruction? Exactly how advanced were the Atlanteans? I hope someday everyone will know the answers to those questions.

Plato, a Greek philosopher, gave us the first known account of Atlantis. Plato was said to have lived from about 428 to 348 B.C. He was a student of Socrates. After studying with Socrates, Plato opened up his own philosophy school. There he began to write his philosophies in a play-type form. These dialogues always featured Socrates as the main character. In the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, he wrote about an amazing place called Atlantis. In Critias, Plato wrote of Atlantis' architecture, engineering, and ceremonies in great detail. Many people, even Plato's own students, thought this place was Plato's own creation, but he argued that Atlantis was real, and filled with more splendors than anyone could imagine.

All races share the story of a great flood that destroyed an entire civilization. The name Atlantis appears in various forms throughout the world. The Canary Islands have a legend involving Atalaya. The Basques of Northern Spain have Atlaintica. The Vikings told the tale of Atli. Northern Africa called it Attala. The Aztecs have Aztlán, and the North American Indians called theirs Azatlán.

Plato said Atlantis was a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere west of the Pillars of Hercules (the Rock of Gibraltar). This description has lead to many people believing that Atlantis could have been the Aegean Island of Thera (Santorini) which suddenly blew up. Atlantis was also identified as part of an ancient series of land bridges that stretched across the Atlantic and even out into the Pacific as far as New Zealand. Others say that the Canary Islands are the tops of Atlantis' tallest mountains. Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is the result of Atlantis sinking. The discovery of blue eyes and blondness among some of Africa's Berbers soon led some people to place Atlantis in the Atlas Mountians of modern Morocco and Tunisia. Still others claim that Atlantis was not even on this planet.

According to the continental drift theory, all the continents fit together, like a jigsaw puzzle. If you look at a map, you will see that the continents really do fit together- with the exception of the USA in North America and Western Europe. Could Atlantis be the missing piece?

According to Plato, one of the best splendors of Atlantis was the palace compound located in the heart of its capital. It was ringed by three canals. Plato remarked, "As each king received it [the palace] from his predecessor, he added to its adornment and did all he could to surpass the king before him, until finally they made of it an abode amazing to behold for the magnitude and beauty of its workmanship. The visitors passed through a wall of brass, a wall of tin, and a wall of copper. White and black and red stone quarried from the native rock." He also wrote that the wealth they possessed was so immense that the like had never been seen before in any royal house, nor will ever easily be seen again. This, of course, lead to Atlantis' destruction.

He stated that the Atlanteans appeared to be superlatively fair and blessed, yet they were filled with lawless ambition and power. The Atlanteans started valuing material wealth above goodness-that's where they went wrong. Plato said, "The portion of divinity within them was now becoming faint and weak through being oftentimes blended with a large measure of mortality." The Atlanteans were unable to bear the burden of their possessions. So, "There occurred portentous earthquakes and floods, and one grievous day and night befell them, when...the island of Atlantis...was swallowed up by the sea and vanished." Plato doubted that any sign of the lost land would ever be found. "The ocean at that spot, has now become impassable and unsearchable." This contributes to the Bermuda Triangle theory above.

Even though it seems that no one could survive such a tragedy, it is believed that many Atlanteans escaped. One example of this is Edgar Cayce. In April of 1939, he fell into a trance and spoke about Atlantis. "In Atlantis, when there was the breaking up of the land came to what was called the Mayan Land or the what is now Yucatan-entity was the first to cross the water in the plane or air machine of that period." In support of the escape, Atlantis has been hailed for spawning civilizations such as Hellenic Greece, the Mayas & Incas of the New World, and ancient Egypt.

Atlantis, The Lost Continent

The most important thought that is on everyone's mind is not where, what, or Atlantis, the Lost City everyone is talking about. Where is it, is it real? Why are there rumors if it's not true? Here we will explore the myths and realities of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. Sit back, relax and take a wonderful ride!

The city of Atlantis, if you hear about it, one would think that it would be located in the Atlantic Ocean, hence the name. But researchers have been looking for this continent for years. The continent was mentioned in many religions and folklores, that it became a possibility that it truly does exist. But if it does, where is it and has it been found by scientists yet, or have they think they have found the Lost City or Continent of Atlantis?

The great philosopher, Plato, wrote in his Critias, that he believed that a great continent was extremely technologically advanced, and that this continent had been destroyed and lost by a rush of ocean covering the evidence to us to this day. Plato had believed that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere. In fact, the reason why the Atlantic Ocean is called such today, is because of the Atlantean theory. Plato believed that Atlantis was a sunken continent approximately the size of Libya and Asia put together. That would be about 5 to 10 million square kilometers hidden below a large oceanic surface!

Monoliths, similar to the monoliths in Easter Island, supposedly are a "signature" of the Atlantean culture. Some believe this culture survived on to Islands and lands such as Easter Island and other various areas still leaving scientists and archeologists befuddled. Pyramids, such like those found in Egypt and other ancient sites, are also a supposed "signature" of the Atlanteans.

Plato believed that Atlantis had a great army, probably of around 1.2 million armed men. He also believed that the army had a vast number of chariots. Horses were definitely used. This was the theory that had caused many to believe that the horse that evolved from Asia became domesticated in Atlantis. This remains a striking detail, because scientists and archeologists cannot determine precisely when the domestication of the horse occurred.

Elephants are supposedly also a very big part of the Atlantean culture. Plato even writes himself:
"There were a great number of elephants in the island, for there was ample provision of food for all sorts of animals...including for the animal which is the largest and the most voracious of all."

The strange part about the elephants, is that the epoch in when the continent of Atlantis was supposedly alive and flourishing, mastodons and mammoths were abundant, and the elephant did not come about until approximately the supposed time when the continent of Atlantis was believed to have "fallen" into the ocean, the same time when mastodons and mammoths became extinct.
It must be remembered, that Plato had written Critias in 360 BCE. This was where it all started, with Plato's words:

"Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Hercules and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe. Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were commanded by the kings of Atlantis, which, as was saying, was an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia, and when afterwards sunk by an earthquake, became an impassable barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the ocean. The progress of the history will unfold the various nations of barbarians and families of Hellenes which then existed, as they successively appear on the scene; but I must describe first of all Athenians of that day, and their enemies who fought with them, and then the respective powers and governments of the two kingdoms. Let us give the precedence to Athens."

Where did Plato's revelation of the continent of Atlantis come from? Plato's revelation was told to him by a man named Solon, who in turn received the information about Atlantis from the ancient Egyptians. If it's just a story, it is one heck of an intriguing one! A thrilling reality to this wonderful piece of writing, is that the end of the transcript has been lost. What was at the end of the transcript...we will never know. He talked of Gods and spirits that made the islanders what they were. An ancient influence that could have come from anywhere. Could it have come from the stars? And is it just plain mythology, or is there a glimpse of truth in the evidence?

What is interesting, is that what Plato described is also described in the Bible as the "Great Flood". Could the continent of Atlantis be the true "Garden of Eden?"

Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by a great "Ice Age." Pillars are abundant on the oceanic floors, but are these pillars naturally made or manmade?

The "Sleeping Prophet", also known as Edgar Cayce, had believed he was an Atlantean himself. He was a prophet that believed that spirits spoke to him in his dreams. The dreams revealed revelations of great extent for his own life and many others. His prophetic visions attracted many people, which in turn made many seek out his help in life through his "seeing eye." Cayce believed that he was being told his clairvoyances from Atlantean gods and spirits.

One prophecy that Edgar Cayce had made, did not come to pass, this was regarding the lost continent of Atlantis. Cayce prophesized that the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1968 or 1969. Cayce also suggested that the island was located near the Bermuda island of Bimini.

The lost continent to this day, has many possibilities of where it could "be," however, no scientific evidence that is strong enough to prove Atlantis had existed has been yet found. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist!

The Location of Atlantis

The story of this lost city has been around since 355 B.C. Plato wrote about this lost land in two dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. Plato believed that this land was near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years prior. Atlantis was explained to be in the shape of a bullseye. Alternating rings of land seperated by the Atlantic. Plato used his dialogues (Timaeus and Critias) to express his thoughts. In these dialogues a powerful empire was said to be located to the west of the Straits of Gibraltar (or what was then noted as the Pillars of Hercules). This Empire was founded by the God of the Sea, Poseidon. Poseidon had 5 children on this island. Atlas, the first born, had the continent and the surrounding ocean named after him. The land was then divided into ten sections to be ruled by each of his sons, and their heirs.

The capital of Atlantis was the best of engineering and architecture. This city was made up of walls and canals. In the very center was a hill, and on top of this hill was a temple to the God of the Sea.Inside of the temple was a gold statue of Poseidon driving six winged horses. If you dare to assume that Atlantis exists then the only place that it could be found (my opinion, may differ from other researchers) is near the Azores Island which is just west of the Straight of Gibraltar. However a survey has been conducted in this area showing a blanket of sediment that would have taken millions of years to accumulate. Even though there is no scientific sign of the sunken's there.

Ocassionally someone will try to convince someone interested in Atlantis that it is near New Zealand or Switzerland?. If you find yourself in a situation where a person presents this idea..briskly walk in the opposite direction. If you've done your research on Atlantis you should know the name K.T. Frost. Frost was the first to present the idea that Atlantis may be to the east rather than the west of Straits of Gibraltar. Frost also believed that the destruction of Atlantis came only 900 years before the birth of Plato. If your not confused yet you should be. Ready for the 360 degree turn into a brick wall? Everyone knows the Island of Crete. If you don''s a modern part of Greece that lies just a bit south of Athens. If you don't know where Athens is...well...your a lost cause. If we take a trip back in time to about 1500 B.C. you would see the Island of Crete as the seat of the Minoan Empire. I know...I know, I lost you again. During this time period the Minoans were all over the eastern Mediterranean. Minoan Crete was the most sophisticated cultures of this period. Then without warning the Minoans dinosaurs after (insert your preferred theory here).

Ten miles north of Crete is Santorina. Many scientists, including myself, believe that a disaster occured here capable of destroyiing the Minoans. Twenty-five hundred years prior to this Santorina was just an island with a volcano, which erupted around 1500 B.C. The eruption was four times as powerful as Krakatoa. Imagine a 400 feet high tsunami, and now picture it landing in your backyard. Hey....wheres your house? Ash would have blackened the sky for 12 days. That tsunami hit Crete and destroyed everything including the Minoans. No castastrophe matches Plato's account of Atlantis than the one I just gave you. Do you accept this theory? Do you have one that puts this one to shame? Do you have more questions?

La Materia y el Mundo

La materia y el mundo

[...] entonces, ¿será destruida o no la materia? El Salvador dijo: «Todas las naturalezas, todas las producciones y todas las criaturas se hallan implicadas entre sí, y se disolverán otra vez en su propia raíz, pues la naturaleza de la materia se disuelve en lo que pertenece únicamente a su naturaleza.

Quién tenga oídos para escuchar, que escuche.

Extracto del Evangelio Apócrifo de M. Magdalena

La inteligencia del Corazón V, de R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz



SERÍA absurdo pretender un funcionamiento de consciencia idéntico tanto
para la consciencia cerebral como para la Consciencia innata. Es necesario
circunscribir el sentido de la palabra «Consciencia», precisarlo. Nos falta un
vocabulario adaptado a este sentido, tal como lo encontramos en el antiguo
Egipto y en las lenguas hindúes, establecidas por los Maestros del Conocimiento.

Diremos, pues, que la consciencia cerebral es el resultado de la
experiencia cuantitativa, una consciencia mecánica que procede de la
comparación. La memoria en sí no es más que un disco de fonógrafo o una película
cinematográfica. Una noción aislada no es más que una parte grabada de este
disco o una imagen de esta película. La memoria funcional, la definición de una
noción registrada, empieza con la comparación. Es preciso, mecánicamente
incluso, recurrir a la «Magia», es decir, provocar el impulso por evocación. Un
recuerdo particular, por ejemplo, evoca toda una escena vivida. Un perfume
recuerda una impresión sentida una palabra desencadena el recuerdo de un
pensamiento oído o leído y puede engendrar una larga serie de «pensamientos», es
decir, de acordes. Es un «hecho» constatado sensorialmente el que despierta el
recuerdo y es el acuerdo o el desacuerdo el que determinará un pensamiento
lógico o ilógico o el sofisma. Todo el mecanismo cerebral podrá reproducirse
mecánicamente. Esto demostrará a los más obtusos donde radica el error. Pero
cuando queremos pasar del saber clásico (esta esclerosis del genio) al
pensamiento fecundo no nos basta la mecánica cerebral. Cuando antes decíamos que
debemos dirigirnos necesariamente a lo que constituye la verdadera Magia, la
Evocación, que hay acuerdo o desacuerdo en la conexión de las nociones y los
recuerdos, recurríamos a otro poder en nosotros, el que procede de nuestra
consciencia innata, fuente del sentido de la Armonía. Este poder será, si es
efectivo, la causa del Genio, del Pensamiento creador, en el sentido que
sobrepasa lo conocido, lo clasificado.

¿No es esta consciencia de una vía nueva, impuesta al decadente mundo
actual, la que incita al arte a destruir al ídolo de ayer para intentar la
expresión irracional?

Se busca la concordancia de elementos de «sensaciones» olvidando su
conexión racional -dejándose llevar por la inercia del hábito adquirido. Se
crean medios, imágenes, formas que «evocan» un sentimiento, una emoción y
provocan una reacción vital. Y el Arte es el heraldo de la mentalidad de una
época, el portavoz de la tendencia íntima.

La Inteligencia del Corazón, que establece la relación de la Consciencia
innata con la observación del hecho, es la Identificación.

Identificación significa vivir con y en el hecho observado, ser uno
mismo ese hecho, experimentar, actuar, sufrir, alegrarse con él. Es la
«Consciencia simpática» y no una consciencia subjetiva que la lógica pretende
oponer a la Consciencia objetiva. Sin embargo, se presta a confusión: la
consciencia cerebral se inscribe o se «grafía» en la materia cerebral como
acabamos de decir y la Consciencia innata se inscribe en la naturaleza del
organismo, o sea, que el móvil de su función es el impulso de su necesidad, la
Idea o principio de Armonía. En el hombre, en el animal superior, esto crea la

Cuanto mayor es la sensibilidad emotiva, mejor puede expresarse la
Consciencia innata. Si el hecho observado provoca una «sensación», una reacción
emotiva, de tipo egocéntrico, estamos ante la consciencia subjetiva. Si el hecho
es observado por una persona en estado de neutralidad, un estado impersonal,
estamos ante la Consciencia simpática. De ahí que todos estos problemas se
resuelvan en una cultura que implique un desprenderse del egoísmo y un dominio
de la parte mental (del cine cerebral).

La inscripción de la Consciencia innata o simpática es vital o
funcional, si se considera la vida en sí y la función en sí, es decir, como
principio mismo de la Naturaleza viviente. Este principio es una realidad al
margen de la materia corporal, pero se encarna por la armonía de los elementos
del ambiente.

Cuando existe un cierto número de elementos, su relación pondrá en
marcha determinadas funciones: la tierra respirará, el cangrejo saldrá del mar,
una planta germinará, la palmera macho crecerá inclinándose hacia la palmera
hembra... La función es una necesidad y ésta forma parte de la ley vital o
génesis cuyo orden hace posible todo el juego de la Naturaleza; y su
Conocimiento será la Ciencia Sagrada. Todo, absolutamente todo, obedece a este
imperativo Divino, un conjunto simple de funciones impuestas al universo. Y
ninguna Inteligencia podrá contrariar, ningún poder podrá obstruir este Orden,
la Armonía de la Causa causal a través de la Causa cósmica.

La encarnación en el hombre de todas las Necesidades u órdenes
funcionales de la armonía del Mundo es el Templo, donde la Energía creadora
original pone en contacto «la Inteligencia del Corazón» de la Consciencia innata
con el Universo; esto se realizará mediante la observación objetiva del hecho,
con el fin de cumplir la Consciencia cósmica, independiente de las partes
destructibles o mortales.

El hombre es, pues, un todo, producto final del universo, por ser centro
de inscripción de la Consciencia, o sea, de todas las «relaciones» vividas a
través de los reinos.

Debido a este hecho de la inscripción o duración de la Consciencia la
biogénesis monista tiene un sentido, ya que la evolución biológica observada y
el transformismo no son una causa sino una prueba por los residuos dejados, a
través de la expansión de la Consciencia.

La Creación causa la evolución, pero la Evolución sólo es creadora para
la inteligencia cerebral, la cual expresa la Consciencia del Conocimiento innato
a través de la vida.

La Realidad, es decir, lo inmutable, no es la historia o la evolución
orgánica sino la manifestación de este estado trascendente que es la

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tribute to the most exquisite moment of modern film history

Die besten....
The Da Vinci Code
Das ist Chavaliers de Sangreal....
Hans Zimmer

Einer der schönsten Momente des Films The Da Vinci Code
Genießen Sie die exquisite Moment der modernen Filmgeschichte, dass die Schlussszene des Da Vinci Code ist.

Enjoy the exquisite moment of modern film history that is the ending scene of the Da Vinci Code.

La inteligencia del Corazón IV, de R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz



EL corazón sigue su ritmo, pero no porque un motor le obligue a ello,
sino porque él mismo es el motor del circuito sanguíneo.
Cada célula del corazón sigue este ritmo, y la experiencia del Dr. Carrel ha
demostrado lo que ya conocía la Sabiduría antigua respecto a la Inteligencia
innata y la Consciencia. Todo ser orgánico (e incluso cada célula de los
organismos de un ser organizado) tiene una parte de la Vida general, que es su
especificación personal. No es solamente el corazón del hombre el que bate
rítmicamente como un motor: hay seres acuáticos que son como un gran corazón,
podríamos decir, y representan _el despertar de la Consciencia que será
«Corazón.»_ Otra consciencia se hará hígado, otra pulmón, etc.; cada función
tiene su órgano, el cual, comparado, por ejemplo, con el mineral, aparentemente
inerte, es la encarnación de una Consciencia, es decir, de una Función cósmica
que ha recibido vida corporal. Sería un Museo más auténtico que nuestros Museos
cadavéricos el que considerará como historia natural «la Evolución de la
Consciencia o Devenir de la Vida».
Cada cosa natural en el Universo es un jeroglífico de la Ciencia divina.
Cada animal, cada especie de planta, cada grupo mineral es una etapa de la
«torna de consciencia» de la Causa cósmica para desembocar en el organismo total
del hombre humano, el Microcosmos(1) -«el hombre a Su imagen».

El todo, constituido de esta manera en un ser vivo, completo, es un
lenguaje que habla, que se expresa sin cesar en la función viva, representando
la base de la Inteligencia del Corazón, o sea, el hecho que mantiene relación
con toda la Naturaleza y, por consiguiente, la CONOCE.

Este Conocimiento no es objetivo sino real. La Realidad es unión de la
Consciencia con el objeto: hay identidad. Es la función vivida aisladamente e
innata en el organismo la que forma la Inteligencia del Corazón. Es evidente,
pues, que hay que transcribir en la consciencia cerebral y objetiva lo que está
en nosotros, estableciendo la relación de esta Vida en nosotros con la
observación de esta Vida en la Naturaleza. Esto lo encontramos muy bien
expresado por los antiguos egipcios. Se trata del conocimiento de la Magia sana
y pura, que puede conducir rápidamente a la meta espiritual de nuestra vida,
porque podemos evocar, por simetría entre los análogos, en el ambiente, la
Consciencia del Corazón que dormita en nosotros.

(1). En este caso el «Microcosmos» es una imagen para ejemplificar la
idea desarrollada. En realidad, el hombre es Universo y no un pequeño Universo a
imagen de otro mayor.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Discovery Of Heaven

There is a Cause, which is why I speak of this work but I'll not explain what is behind this cause.
Gnostic inspiration or willingness of the author? This is the question that I know and I`ll not explain.

Fantasy tale which tells the story of God's wish to regain the Ten Commandments. To do so, his Angels must create a human being intelligent enough to find the Tablets who is also willing to sacrifice his or her life in order to return the Tablets to Heaven. The Angels decide on a merciless plan: two men, Onno and Max, will meet and become united in their friendship and by their feelings for a young woman, Ada. Ada gives birth to a baby boy but is unsure whether Onno or Max is the father. Is the boy, an especially gifted child, the one chosen by the Angels to complete their task?

Discover the Mystery
Discover the Magic
Discover the Truth
The Discovery of Heaven.

The Discovery of Heaven is a 1992 novel by Dutch author Harry Mulisch. It describes the intense friendship between two men and the mystical journey of another to return to Heaven the stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments.
In 2001, the novel was made into a film by Dutch director Jeroen Krabbé. The film features Stephen Fry as Onno and Flora Montgomery as Ada.

The Discovery of Heaven tells the story of an angel-like being, who is ordered to return to Heaven the stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments, given to Moses by God, which symbolise in the book the link between Heaven and Earth. The divine being, however, cannot himself travel to Earth, and on several occasions in the book resorts to influencing events, being in effect a deliberate personification of deus ex machina. He affects the personal lives of three people (two men and one woman) in order that a child will be conceived. This child would then have an innate desire to seek out and return the Tablets.
The book consists of four parts (dubbed "The Beginning of the Beginning", "The End of the Beginning", "The Beginning of the End", and "The End of the End"). In between these four parts, the angel-like being discusses "The Plan" with his superior, who is supposedly an archangel.

The Beginning of the Beginning

The book begins with the angel reporting to his superior that 'the job is done', and beginning to recount the events. He explains that after seventy years' work and planning, he has created a messenger to return the Tablets, and how, in order for the messenger to be conceived, he first needed to allow the birth of the messenger's parents. He then explains how the First and Second World War were instrumental in this. The messenger's father, Max Delius, was born of a Jewish mother and a German officer in 1933. The messenger's mother, Ada Brons, is born in 1946 to Dutch parents, who also meet in WWII. A third man, Onno Quist, is born into a renowned Dutch Conservative political family, also in the year 1933.
The angel arranges for the men, Onno and Max, to meet in 1967. Onno has just left a family gathering and is in need of a ride to Amsterdam. By apparent chance to the characters, but clearly a deus ex machina-effect to the reader, Max is the one to give him a ride. They become friends: Onno and Max's personalities are highly complementary. Onno is an introverted, rather arrogant and highly intelligent professional linguist. While Onno is trying to 'find God' in the Diskos of Phaistos, Max is trying to 'discover Heaven' through astronomy. A more extroverted, erotomanious astronomer, Max is haunted by his rather dark family history: Max's mother, a Jewish woman, was purportedly murdered in Auschwitz, on instigation of his father, an Austrian officer in the Wehrmacht. After the war his father was imprisoned and later executed by the firing squad. Max was consequently raised by foster parents.
Onno and Max's friendship reaches a high in the many vibrant conversations they have in Leiden and Amsterdam, in experiencing the revolution of the sixties. Their conversations are filled with great wit and intellect and range over many facets of life: science, history, politics, but especially religion and philosophy. Their friendship, however, absorbs them so much that it forces a break between Onno and his girlfriend, Helga.
During a walk in Leiden they come across a small bookshop. Here Max meets Ada, the daughter of the owner and a gifted cellist. The two become three. Ada and Max fall in love. This is rather new for both of them: Ada, who is only twenty, loses her virginity to Max, who has never had a lasting relationship with a woman. Max, sex-crazy, cannot stay faithful to Ada, and they break up. Max is also haunted by his family history. Moved by Roma music, who too suffered from the Shoah, he goes to Auschwitz, Poland, to seek his parents' history. Ada and Onno, left alone by the sudden departure of Max, fall in love.
When Max returns he sees his best friend with his former girlfriend, but he accepts this change. Onno, meanwhile, has become deputy mayor for the Labour party in Amsterdam and begins his political career. Although nearly everything has changed, their friendship still seems very strong.
The three of them then go to Cuba, (where Castro has recently gained power and is fashionable in the leftist elite), and Ada is asked to play the cello. In Cuba, Max and Onno are mistaken for the Dutch delegation to a revolutionary conference, which they attend more as a joke than anything else. On their last day on the island, Onno is seduced by a Cuban woman. Max is unable to suppress his feelings for Ada and makes love to her. Directly after this event, Onno and Ada meet each other in their hotel room, and sleep with each other.

The End of the Beginning

Back in the Netherlands, Ada finds out she is pregnant. The child was conceived in Cuba. She tells this to Onno, who then proposes to marry her, assuming the child is his. Max realizes the child is equally likely to be his and decides to leave Ada and Onno, filled with feelings of guilt. After the marriage, he leaves for Westerbork, (a former holding camp for Jews in the Netherlands who would subsequently be sent to concentration camps in Germany and Eastern Europe, now hosting one of Europe's biggest radio telescopes). Onno and Ada still visit Max. On one of their visits to Westerbork, Ada receives a phone call from a Leiden hospital: her father has had a heart attack. The three of them drive back to Leiden and are caught in bad weather. Their car crashes. Max and Onno escape without a scratch. Ada, however, is badly hurt and falls into a coma, but the child she is carrying has survived. Max is sent to Leiden to inform Ada's mother, Mrs. (Sophie) Brons, about the events. He arrives in Leiden in the middle of the night. Mr Brons has died and Ada is in coma. Mrs. Brons convinces Max that he must stay the night. Max and Mrs. Brons sleep together.
Max begins to visit Mrs. Brons frequently. During the day the two maintain a formal relationship and are secretly lovers at night. Ada and Onno's child still survives and needs a home. Onno cannot take care of the child alone, and he also has a bright political future. Max suggests to Mrs. Brons that she move to Westerbork. Together they can raise Ada's child in Westerbork and continue their affair.

The Beginning of the End

The child is born through Caesarean section. The child has bright blue eyes. Onno calls the child Quinten. Max and Mrs. Brons move to an apartment near Westerbork in a former castle, now inhabited by artists and eccentrics. Quinten grows up to be an introverted, peaceful child as intelligent as his father. (The reader has the knowledge that Max is the father) He is obsessed by architecture, ancient keys and obelisks. Onno, who is absorbed by his political career, only infrequently visits his son.
As Quinten grows up he is haunted by dreams of a strange, otherworldly place that has no outside but only an inside. This inside is filled with strange bridges, cranes and architecture. This fuels his interest in architecture and causes him to obsessively make drawings of this place. He also takes care of an old cemetery lot in the garden of the castle, where a racing horse is buried. He seems a rather strange child.
Meanwhile Onno's political career is destroyed, when his visit to revolutionary Cuba is made public. His position within the Labour Party is unretainable and he is not promoted to minister of Defense. That same day, his new girlfriend (Helga again) is killed. With very little left to live for, Onno decides to disappear.
Max, meanwhile, has returned to his old tricks. He leaves Mrs. Brons for another woman but still lives with her and Quinten. Scientifically he is on the verge of making a major astronomical discovery. When he discovers heaven (located beyond the Big Bang in negative space), he is killed by a freak meteoroid, sent from heaven by Angel. (In the movie, Gabriel sends the meteor, even after Angel complains and explains that they still need Max.)

The End of the End

When Quinten is 16, he decides to look for his father. Except for his mother and grandmother he has very little that binds him to Westerbork. He goes to Italy. He visits Venice and Florence but through meetings with strange people, he is forced to flee both cities. He eventually arrives in Rome. In the Pantheon, he is approached by a strange man with a long beard and a raven on his shoulder. He realizes that it is his father. Onno has fled to Rome and has filled his life with his original quest to decipher the Diskos of Phaistos.
Onno takes Quinten on a tour through Rome. Although they haven't seen each other in years, their relationship is close. Onno recognizes a lot of his friend, Max, in Quinten. When they visit the Lateran (one of Rome's holiest sights), Quinten is convinced that he remembers the place from his dreams and that the stone tablets are stored there. He becomes obsessed with the place and with the role of the stone tablets in Christianity and Judaism. After weeks of study, Quinten convinces his father to steal the stone tablet. One night they stay for too long in the Lateran and are locked in. With Quinten's study of ancient architecture and locksmithing and Onno's encyclopedic knowledge, they open the chapel of the Lateran and in a safe they find two stone tablets, grey slabs. Later they learn that the slabs are made of a bright blue gem. They take the first flight from Rome to Tel Aviv, Israel. Onno and Quinten stay in Jerusalem and visit the city's sights, including the Dome of the Rock, where the stone tablets were stored for ages when the Jews inhabited the city, before the Romans sacked the temple.
After meeting an elderly woman who speaks Dutch, with very blue eyes and numbers tattooed on her arm, Onno realizes that she might be Max's mother and Quinten's grandmother. He goes to tell Quinten but cannot find him. In a state of distress, he calls Mrs. Brons. He learns that Ada has died; Mrs. Brons, a former nurse has performed euthanasia. While speaking with her on the phone, Onno suffers a stroke.
Quinten has gone into a hallucinative state. In a sort of dream world, filled with references to Jewish mysticism, he returns to the Dome of the Rock with the stone tablets. He meets his father's raven and the race horse, whose burial place he kept. In the Dome of the Rock he ascends to heaven with the tablets.
Back in heaven, the Angel is commended for his deeds by the Archangel. The Angel, however, feels remorse for breaking the link between heaven and earth. But the situation is no longer in his control.