This film is similar in format to The Animatrix, as both are collections of short animated films in relation to their respective series. This film is the third in line to the Universe original animated movies released by Warner Premiere DC and Warner Bros. Animation. This film is notable for being the first original animated DC Universe in a relationship with another means of Batman.
This film was categorized as unsuitable for children under thirteen (PG-13) to include stylized violence, and include some bloody images, but not the first Batman animated movie with this rating (the unedited version of Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is in this classification). While Superman Doomsday and Justice League: The New Frontier aired in the UK with a score of 12, Batman: Gotham Knight is being accompanied by a grading suitable for over 15 years for their "images injuries and bloody violence. " The film was shown on Cartoon Network on October 4, 2008 at 9:00 pm with a TV-14 V and a warning to parents after each commercial break, with the cutting of some of the more graphic scenes of violence.